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03-13-2011, 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
It's been a little more than 48 hours, and life in Tokyo seems normal, as though nothing has happened. Kids are in school (even though it's Sunday), all the shops and stores are running, and there was even a line in front of Bic Camera waiting for it to open.

Some television stations have returned to regular programming, which is okay, 24 hour disaster coverage gets old, and you can only look at it for so long.

Home videos are starting to turn up, and many of these are more dramatic than what the helicopters and remote webcams picked up.

The prime minister and other politicians have made the usual speeches, saying nothing of substance, and passing the buck to underlings and technicians who will take the fall if they make any mistakes. There is no leadership, but fortunately the rescuers and the people themselves seem taking care of things on their own.

There continue to be aftershocks and new quakes, but they are becoming less frequent and less intense. Oops, spoke too soon, another one is hitting.

Rather than watching the news, I'm enjoying an old episode of Ultraman...
Glad to see that Japan is recovering so quickly

Here are some thoughts from Tunisia :

Tunisians express their solidarity with Japanese | Facebook

From Tunisia : Thoughts & Prayers For The People In Japan - Organization | Facebook
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