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(#347 (permalink))
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godwine (Offline)
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03-13-2011, 01:08 PM

When a disaster strike anywhere around the world, Japan never fail to jump in and help. It is only fair that everyone go help Japan now.

Mother nature don't care about historic events, race and skin color. Whatever happened in the past are political, and has nothing to do with any rescue effort that should happen now.

Anyways, After trying for 2 days, I finally got a hold of my uncle in Saitama, its far from Sendai, but his phone line was busy because everyone was on the phone trying to get a hold of others. My cousin is stranded in Osaka on a business trip... Though he has a friend that live in Fukushima (They only just came here to visit me last summer), and cannot get in contact with this family. I vaguely remember them telling me that "We live in Fukushima, I can see the ocean from my house". I hope they are ok
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