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(#366 (permalink))
kouichisan (Offline)
Posts: 238
Join Date: Dec 2008
03-13-2011, 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by tipsygypsy View Post
nothing like that happened so far. beverage companies provided free drinks by vending machines. major electronics retailer provided free cell phone batteries for people having hard time calling their families. Many business owners provided free meals for those who were walking back to their homes since we had no public transportation services on that day. There was no disasters caused by human.
Japanese people are more civilised, this is one of the things that has always interested me about Japan. I like this type of ethic, and I wish other people would behave the same.

Originally Posted by tipsygypsy View Post
and now I'm watching TV and it's pretty disappointing. Now I figured out that fukushima plant risk has not gone yet. and government assumes that another big earthquake will hit us again within 3days. probability of another big one ( over magnitude 7 ) in 3days is 70%. and 50% in 6days.
Hang in there guys
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