03-13-2011, 08:03 PM
Yeah, you should listen to the others and just put this goal/dream off for now, especially with what has been happening since Wednesday. (first quake was an M7 on Wednesday, right?) The local and Japanese governments are advising foreigners to not come to Japan for a while until nature is done with running its course. The last thing you would want to do is travel to a city that gets hit by another M8 earthquake and possible tsunami in within a week depending on of the Tokai is not the quake that has happened Friday. Wait another year....
If you really want to live in Japan, you would have to AT LEAST look at the job prospects of the country, select a place of residence (Tokyo is "good" for foreigners because of the military bases, but way too overcrowded....like most of the country [so I've heard]), and then you must ask yourself if it is really worth it because some members have done what you are wishing to accomplish and can share their experience and hardships with you first to help you decide. (Nyororin is a good person to ask)