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(#402 (permalink))
kouichisan (Offline)
Posts: 238
Join Date: Dec 2008
03-13-2011, 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by protheus View Post
Yeah, I also advise medics to tell cancer cases that they're going to die, and if it doesn't happen, just tell them they were the lucky ones...
Now, seriously, how is better if you know that the worse can or may happen? Isn't it better to keep a positive thought on things?
That's not what I mean, if they won't be able to fix the problem and the problem becomes worse than anticipated. Then it would be better for the public to know, so they can get out of there asap. I know they have evacuated up 20km, but will that be enough?. I'm no scientist, so I don't know, but it won't be surprising if many people think the same, so the public have a genuine reason to be concerned.
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