Originally Posted by Janeka
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone could explain the difference between
路上 and 道路
We're just learning these kanji at the moment and both have been translated as 'road'. Is there any difference in use or meaning? Or are they interchangeable?
There is a difference and better writers would not generally use them interchnageably.
道路 is a street itself.
路上 is more like "on the street".
道路 is used to describe a street such as its length, form (straight, winding, etx), free or tolled, paved or unpaved, etc.
路上 is often combined with another word to form longer compounds, such as:
路上駐車 = street parking
路上教習 = on-the-road lesson (at a driving school)
路上ライブ = street live (of musicians)
路上生活 = homeless life