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Nyororin (Offline)
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03-14-2011, 08:20 AM

Some people are going to feel sympathy because people are suffering. Some are going to feel it because they know people in Japan. Some because they know people in the effected areas. Some because it`s Japan and not somewhere else.

For some people it`s just disaster porn and they are getting a kick (can be good or bad) out of seeing the destruction (tons of this, really...)

It doesn`t really matter. If people are going to donate because they are worried that their favorite erotic anime might be postponed... Do you really think that the people who are in need right now would say "Oh no, I don`t want your dirty money"...?

I`m more pissed off by a number of people I`ve spotted around the net who think that being in Japan gives them a right to ask for money due to their suffering... When they`re in Kyushu or somewhere equally far away.
If you`re going to donate, do so to trusted organizations!!!!!!

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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