Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Wait... so we have to bail Japan out of it's debt because a disaster hit?
No thanks. Japan can borrow to finance it's relief effort. There really is no excuse for Japan to be recieving charity.
If the Japanese economy suffers for it then what are the consequences? It loses a place in the richest country rankings to become fourth behind Germany? The economy won't collapse because of this. It will take a hit sure but not collapse.
I'm sorry but that's not an emergency to me.
If you want to help people suffering, help people that actually need it urgently in Africa or other parts of Asia.
You're missing the point. It doesn't matter about who the government is, or what country it is. It's humanitarian effort to help VICTIMS of natural disasters anywhere in the world. Charities don't operate often in countries like this because most of the time it isn't so serious and the government has the ability to resolve it themselves.
If it was a minor earthquake then I wouldn't bother encouraging people, but the fact is an entire city has been wiped out in a matter of minutes, and there are THOUSANDS of people missing. That is a 'disaster', if that isn't then what is?. It is about helping PEOPLE recover not giving to the government.
Yeah there are other countries that do deserve an equal amount of effort, nobody is saying people shouldnt give to them either. The Red Cross operates most of the time in those areas anyway, I even donated to the Red Cross operating in Libya myself at the same time I donated to Japan. I'm sure other people would do the same.
Everyone has the freedom to choose where their donation goes, those charity websites even give people the choice on what projects their money will go toward.
Don't turn a humanitarian discussion into a political one, thank you.