Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Japan is the world's third richest country. I don't mean to sound heartless because I'm sorry for the tragedy. But my charity will be going elsewhere to people who needed it before the Earthquake (as it always does).
It's ironic giving charity to a country that is so rich and probably quite thouroughly insured.
It's like giving money to Charlie Sheen if his house blew up.
As a citizen of this Earth I implore that you not waste your money on Japan or New Zealand.
Earthquakes and tsunami are horrible occurences and it is not without sympathy that I make this thread.
But there are far more needy parts of the world than these two and as a New Zealand citizen I believe that our government should not be seeking financial aid from NGO's as we are a developed country that can take care of the costs on our own.
I think the same for Japan. Japan is the third largest economy in the world. You shouldn't be paying the money that you work hard for, to support people that live in a country in which the financial problems they face can be overcome.
NGO's need to either invoice these state governments or stay out if they refuse to pay.
Of course I'm not against material assistance or the offer of expertise, so if you can help in Japan as an engineer or a rescue worker then more power to you. But when it comes to money, Japan and New Zealand are at the top of the world's pecking order being both developed states and they don't need it.
Ronin4Hire I can see why you suggest that, but what's wrong with donating to both? LOL
What are you trying to achieve here exactly?.
Why not say to people, 'if you are going to donate to Japan, don't forget to also donate to Haiti, Libya, Bangladesh, Africa etc?' that would be better than saying 'don't donate to Japan'. At first I thought you had a good argument, but you know, this agenda of yours, it's getting a little silly now.