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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-15-2011, 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
Exactly how rich is Japan? Currently Japan is holding nearly $11 trillion dollars in debt. Japan is also the second largest holder of foreign debt in the world. Once it starts selling foreign treasury bills and foreign bonds to pay for reconstruction, the economies of the countries who issued these bonds are going to have problems as well, including your own country. When you have to start paying more for everything you buy then perhaps you will start to understand.
I'm aware of the debt Japan has. The estimated reconstruction bill is going to be 99 billion dollars which will make Japan's debt 11.1 trillion.

It's an amount that Japan can handle.

I mean big deal, Europe is already implementing austerity measures as are most other countries around the world. It's not going to change Japan's situation that drastically.
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