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(#57 (permalink))
kouichisan (Offline)
Posts: 238
Join Date: Dec 2008
03-15-2011, 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
I understand where your comeing from Ronin, you feel that money should be send to poor nations who can't help themselves and that rich nations can take care of themselves. That's not a unrealistic belief persay. However, why help poor nations that lack any capability of doing anything with your help any way? No infrastructure, no roads, no government, basically grass huts in the desert.

Investing means picking a winner, that's what your doing reguardless of your intentions. Putting money and resources into an area that will make something of it in the future. Placeing money in area's were they wont do that, is just a waste of money.
I disagree with what you said just there, you compared that with an investment. But no, it doesn't matter what kind of infra-structure it is, humanitarian aid is most deserved by those that LACK those things. If the buildings are less developed, then the destruction would be more severe.

In such countries, this is where Charities carry out long-term projects where people can grow their own food and survive by themselves. The charities, only help get them started. This type of aid is critical for 3rd world countries.

I think aid is deserving for any country, depending on the situation. Of course in more developed countries, Aid projects are mostly short term. So it doesn't use it much of it's resources.

Countries like Haiti, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Africa etc are the heart of Charities.

You shouldn't compare acts of charity as an investment. It's not a profit-making scheme. People will still help other human beings, whether it is an investment or not, because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO. It would be heartless to let human beings to die for no reason.

Last edited by kouichisan : 03-15-2011 at 05:48 AM.
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