Originally Posted by Ryzorian
I'll say it though. In the grand sceme of things in reguards to American national interests, helping Japan is worth more than helping Haiti. Japan is a valued military ally in the pacific and helps safeguard against China, is a large tradeing partner with the 3rd worlds largest economy with direct ties to the American economy........What's Haiti got?..............hmmmmmm..let's see.............Hmmmmm........Nothing.
Despite all that we still sent billions to Haiti and guess what they did with it?...........brought back Baby Doc. Meanwile thousands die cause nothing has been rebuilt or fixed the water system is destroyed the government non functional. Weeeeeeeeeeee...that's some seriously well spent money there.
Oh well, so if people are going to be so cynical, people should start thinking about themselves and let others die then... that sound better to you? of course not. So why should people be deprived of aid because of a few corrupt people?.