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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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agian sorta not - 03-15-2011, 06:25 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
.., However, why help poor nations that lack any capability of doing anything with your help any way? No infrastructure, no roads, no government, basically grass huts in the desert.

Investing means picking a winner, that's what your doing reguardless of your intentions. Putting money and resources into an area that will make something of it in the future. Placeing money in area's were they wont do that, is just a waste of money.
Dude, you are aware that Haiti is in it's present day dilemma due to a number of past and present economic & political constraints imposed on Haiti from more advanced and developed economys since day one of it's independence?

Before withdrawing from Haiti in 1825, France had demanded reparations for the loss of its economic and human property of 150 million francs - about $21 billion in today's money.

Haiti had to pay France for the inconveniece of rising up from slavery to become a nation.

Haiti would not pay off this debt until 1947. As a result, the young country never really got on its feet.

Off and on the US has supported dictatorships in Haiti like Francois Duvalier and his notorious Tonton Macoutes. It's estimated the Tonton Macoutes were responsible for 30,000 deaths.
Jean-Claude Duvalier, a.k.a. Baby Doc. In 1972 he told "60 Minutes"' Mike Wallace, "The aim of my government is to increase the volume of foreign investment, and at the same time promote tourism."

And foreign investment did come to Haiti in the form of 'sweat shop' labor for foreign owned textile industry and tourism.
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