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(#498 (permalink))
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tipsygypsy (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: tokyo を問う今日 
03-15-2011, 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Nice find Tipsy. So today looks like the worst day for those south of the reactors so far. Will be interesting to see if levels reach unsafe levels for long in any major populated areas. I hope they don't!
radiated cloud caused by No.3 reactor explosion had passed Tokyo this morning. and the level of radiation increased from 20CPM to 80CPM then.

We assume another one caused by No.4 reactor explosion will reach Tokyo around 20:00-24:00 tonight. I'm not sure how the level of radioactivity would be then.

Jah Rastafaaari. Yeah pasta for life
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