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lucagalbu (Offline)
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03-15-2011, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
yes. i know there are little things for natives. every language has them, but still compared to other languages those are small potatoes. you can have a text written in hirigana and as long as a person knows specifics of や、ゆ、よ and ", then he can basically read every text there is with acceptable fluency. give someone the same text in english and it will be a train wreck.
You're right, but one thing is read a language, another thing is read it with the exact accent, rhythm , intonation...
For example, I can read and speak english, but I guess I have a strange accent, because I tend to pronounce some weird sounds according to my language sounds (e.g., for me is very hard to pronounce your "r") and even if I read the words fluently, my intonation is still different from yours. I.e. even if I speak fluently, you'll understand I'm not English.

E'l naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare di Dirac.
(And to flounder in this Dirac sea is sweet to me.)
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