03-15-2011, 08:03 PM
I only have two problems with donating for Haiti's recovery instead of Japan's.
#1 - I have several friends in Japan, including 2 stuck in the midst of the worst area, but absolutely know one I know is in Haiti.
#2 - Business and societal impact for me in regard to Japan is the loss of many benefits (car, phone, computer, clothes, food, employment, etc.). The impact of loss from Haiti has been only a decrease of drug dealers and rude, obnoxious and illiterate taxi drivers.
My lack of connection to anything beneficial from Haiti does not mean that as a people in need of help they are not deserving, but so are millions of other people on this planet whose countrymen have not had a megative impact on my life. And funds being far from plentiful for me, the few I can spare will go to those whom I understand best and truly care about.
Only an open mind and open heart can be filled with life. ********************* Find your voice; silence will not protect you.