Originally Posted by evanny
also. does anyone else get the feeling that this guy is from some kind of "looter" group? trying to scare people away from homes so they can visit them without any distractions later? just to check if your dvd, tv and xbox are OK. 
I love the graphic!
No, this sounds more like the panic stricken rantings of someone coming unglued or seriously drunk..... bordering on hysteria. Some people become cold and methodical in crisis (helps with 1st aid - but not pleasant) and other extreme goes off the deep end grasping at any possibility - no matter how irrational. They just need either a quick slap to get their attention or a fast sedative to calm their nerves..... but something, so everyone else can get on with reality.
Originally Posted by ajisai666
Has anyone heard on here anymore details about how it's supposed to rain or snow in japan and the radioactive materials will seep into the soil??
It was rain, that has now shifted to snow and is accumulating.
Haven't heard any accredited commentary on whether this will parcipitate the radiation out of the air and contaminate the soil. When we used to study this in school (back when we had A-bomb drills) the theory was that you wanted precipitation to cut down on airborne contamination, but it was at the cost of irradiated soil.