Originally Posted by GoNative
There is a lot of irrational fears when it comes to radiation. Sure in certain doses such fears can be completely rational but what many people fail to truly look at is the doses that we all receive in everyday normal life. That flying in a plane for instance increases your dosage dramatically, that getting an x-ray gives you a pretty decent dose. Radiation is all around us all the time.
What we need at the moment is accurate information on the expected radiation levels in certain areas based on wind direction. Beyond 30km of the reactors the levels may well become greater than the average background radiation we receive each and every day but may still fall well within safe limits. Even if levels get up to levels considered unsafe simply staying in your home can mean the dosage you receive is minimal and not unsafe at all. The radiation levels are not uniform. The gases released from the reactors will travel downwind and disperse and the levels will decrease quickly as they move away from the reactors. One area may have a brief period of higher levels when only a km away the levels remain very low.
A mass evacuation would likely lead to incredible panic and definitely lead to far more deaths than is ever likely from the current situation.
very true! u make a good point