03-16-2011, 07:12 AM
Macromanageing how they spend thier money is what nations do Ronin. It's how those nations who hover around the top 20% stay there. You may think that cruel or racist if you want, and perhaps in some reguard it is.
However, if Africa where the second largest economy in the world and a vital stratigic ally and tradeing partner with the US and had a massive earth quake then the US would certainly be doing it's upmost to help. If Japan were more like Haiti .........well then, while the US might feel sorry for them, and offer some assistance, they wouldn't lose any stratigic assets to do so. It's all about national interests in the long run when it comes to what nations do and why.
What individuals and individual groups choose to do is thier buisiness. Many are motivated because they feel as you do Ronin, and assist those who are down trodden where ever they may be. You seem frustrated by international responses that seem dispoportional to you. Your entitled to feel that way but it won't change those basic facts. Really if you feel as strongly about these things as you seem..run for office or prime minister..then you can be "The Decider"
Hopefully, if you ever did manage to win such an office "national interests" won't rear it's ugly head to interfere with your ardent desires.
To the person mentioning Haitis long and unfortuanate history, I'm aware of it. Sometimes you have to understand that a beached whale just can't be saved and the manhours trying to do so would be more productive trying to save something than can be. To me, based on that history and how things are now and how they are likely to be in the forseeable future for Haiti..it's the beached whale.