Originally Posted by protheus
We are so lucky to have so many nuclear specialists around here on the forum... What would the Japanese do without them or their help.
Even a few can tell from merely some aerial photos that a country should raise their alert level, others know that no more fish is edible, others with wonder moisturizers can make the radiation disappear... Lucky for the Japanese that us, the users from JapanForum, exist in this world.
Bud, your poisonous sarcasm isn't appropriate.

This forum is a place to discuss and we can share opinions without advices of various smart asses
As for work of japanese nuclear specialists :
Japan asks IAEA for help in nuclear crisis
VIENNA: Japan has officially asked the UN atomic watchdog to send a team of experts to help in the current nuclear crisis, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Yukiya Amano said on Monday.
Rest of article
How many days Japan has problems with
four nuclear reactors?
By comparison, in Chernobyl Soviets immediately gathered a huge group of heavy Mil-26 helicopters, day-to-day dropping tones of boric acid, sand and cement upon a single damaged reactor.