Originally Posted by protheus
We are so lucky to have so many nuclear specialists around here on the forum... What would the Japanese do without them or their help.
Even a few can tell from merely some aerial photos that a country should raise their alert level, others know that no more fish is edible, others with wonder moisturizers can make the radiation disappear... Lucky for the Japanese that us, the users from JapanForum, exist in this world.
Leave the forum if you don't like what you see... this is a DISCUSSION FORUM... there won't be any discussion if we are experts and are always right.
Most of us are no expert, thats why we ask questions, no one is making recommendation on how to solve this. Others are merely suggesting things base on a surface level understanding of what happened in Chernobyl, nobody wish for something like that to happen again,.
All we can do is sit behind a TV, watching the heroic workers saving the day, praising and admiring what they are doing for the country....
My prayers with the workers and their family.....