Give money to Haiti, not Japan.
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Posts: 238
Join Date: Dec 2008
03-16-2011, 06:16 PM
guys chillout, corruption will happen, that's just the messed up world we live in. Just because of a minority does that mean people should be deprived of help around the world?
If there is a charity you are unsure of then donate to another one 'simples'. What's the point arguing about it?.
here are so many you could donate to for so many different causes around the world:
British Red Cross - Home Page | British Red Cross
GlobalGiving: donate to projects in the developing world supporting education, health, women and children, and more
Stop child abuse - support the children’s charity - the NSPCC
Cancer Research UK: the UK's leading cancer charity
Christian Aid - fighting for a world free of poverty and injustice
CAFOD, Catholic Overseas Development Agency. UK Charity website.
Concern Worldwide | dedicated to reducing suffering and eliminating extreme poverty
Children's Charity | Sponsor Children | End Child Poverty : World Vision UK
Oxfam GB | Leading UK charity fighting global poverty
Islamic Relief UK : Ready to answer the call
Home : Save the Children UK
CARE International UK - Defending Dignity, Fighting Poverty
Home Page | Merlin
WaterAid - water and sanitation for all - UK site
MissionFish - The way to fundraise on eBay
so take your pick and relax.
Last edited by kouichisan : 03-16-2011 at
06:22 PM
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