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(#12 (permalink))
lazylightning (Offline)
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03-16-2011, 06:28 PM

Here's one "brief description)))

ENTEROSGEL is a selectve detoxifying medical device, based on organic silicon. ENTEROSGEL adsorbs exo-and endogenous toxins, bacteria, viruses, allergens, helps restore gastrointestinal mucosa, normalizes the intestinal flora and secretory immunoglobulin A.

ENTEROSGEL action is selective - it eliminates only toxins; it doesnв’t eliminate or adsorb vitamins from the body , trace elements, calcium, potassium and other essential substances needed by the body. This is due to the unique molecular structure of ENTEROSGEL.

The molecular structure is an array of organic silicon, 3D structured as a "sponge" with pores of 100 nm. Pore size is selected for binding and uptake (adsorbtion) of substances with an average molecular weight between 100 and 1000 ua, most of which are toxins.

This structure confers special properties ENTEROSGEL of selective adsorption of toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms.

The history of ENTROSGEL begins in the 80s when in Russia it was developed as an intestinal cleanser and enterosorbent as requested by the Ministry of Defence.

ENTEROSGEL properties and effects are based on clinical and experimental studies conducted in military and civil medical institutions.
ENTEROSGEL properties

Because of the molecular structure of organic silicon, ENTEROSGEL is insoluble in water, alcohol, acids, biological environments, is hydrophobic - it does not absorb water, does not adhere to mucous membranes and surfaces and does not cause erosion of epithelial membranes.

The most important property of ENTEROSGEL is that it is chemically inert, does not decompose, it’s not absorbed and not metabolized in the body.
When taken it formes a thin layer of organic silicon throughout the gastrointestinal tract: stomach, small intestine and large intestine. This layer imitates intestinal mucus. In 8-12 hours ENTEROSGEL is totally eliminated with the adsorbed toxins.

This property is very important in detoxification and is a distinctive property of ENTEROSGEL other than different detoxification products, that are metabolized in the body.

In the process of metabolism, some substances absorbed in the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract deabsorb and reabsorb to the sections below. Thus transit is slower and this process is more intense. ENTEROSGEL does not allow desorption and reabsorption of toxic substances during absorption of toxins in the bowel or large intestine even when acompanied by constipation.
ENTEROSGEL does not pass the gastro-intestinal barrier, it reacts with the body's internal environment so it does not have a destructive action on the body.

ENTEROSGEL adsorbs and eliminates toxic substances from the organism, alcohol and pathogenic microorganisms.
Because of this selective action, ENTEROSGEL does not eliminate the normal intestinal flora, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients needed by the organism.
ENTEROSGEL inertia does not cause long-term bowel management, can be administered as necessary. –абсолютно не понятно предложение. Не могу понят что они имел в виду.
Due to its properties ENTROSGEL is not harmful and has shown no contraindications in clinical trials, adverse reactions were not reported.


1. Protection - of the gastro intestinal mucosa and intestinal flora (micro-biocenosis normalization)
Mode of action of ENTEROSGEL is different from other detoxification products. When taken, ENTEROSGEL forms a thin film throughout the gastrointestinal tract: stomach, small intestine and large intestine.
This film has a dual role - selective adsorption of toxins and mucous membrane protection and renewal, thereby improving immunity, digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

2. Anti-toxic
ENTEROSGEL has a detoxifying action by enterosorption: adsorbs (binds and fixes) from the intestines and blood (by capillary transmembrane intestinal mucosal villi) toxic substances of endo-and exogenous nature: bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, pro-inflammatory cytokines, inflammatory mediators, endotoxins pathogenic microflora and intermediate products of metabolism (metabolic waste) food additives (E) with medium molecular weight (100-1000 ua).

3. Anti-allergy
ENTEROSGEL adsorbs simple and complex allergens:
• Simple allergens are incorporated directly into the matrix pores of ENTEROSGEL.
• Complex allergens are absorbed and fixed on the surface of ENTEROSGEL by hydrophobic links.
Initially reduces their allergenic potential and then remove them from the body.

4. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral
Intense bacterial action occurs only on pathogenic flora - 1gr of ENTEROSGEL adsorbs of its surface more than 107 of pathogenic bacteria: Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella and other gram-negative and gram-positive, including fungi such as Candida, in Helicobacter pylori. Adhesion of microorganisms is achieved by electrostatic mechanism.
ENTEROSGEL attracts bacteria and microorganisms from about 150 В± 20 nm and binds them on its surface. Microorganisms are "stripped" of their products and eliminated from the organism within 8-12 hours. (Images 1,2 and 4). This way ENTEROSGEL helps to lower a fever.

ENTEROSGEL also adsorbs and eliminates toxins and bacteria destroyed by antibiotics, contributing to a considerable decrease of toxemia in antibiotic therapy.
ENTEROSGEL adsorbs and eliminates viruses from the gastrointestinal tract: rotaviruses, cytomegalovirus, liver viruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, etc..

5. Immunomodulation
Due to protective and regenerative role of gastrointestinal mucosa, ENTEROSGEL contributes to normalize the secretion of immunoglobulins, mainly immunoglobulin A.

6. Liver and Kidney Protector
ENTEROSGEL is the first barrier protecting the digestive tract, where it forms a thin film of gel, as a filter, which prevents the penetration of toxins in the body (lymph, blood, liver, kidney) and recirculating through enteral reabsorption.
This relieves the liver and the kidneys of detoxification function, restoring Parenchyma in multiple disease of inflammatory and toxic etiology.

7. Radioprotection
ENTEROSGEL adsorbs and eliminates from the organism heavy metals and radionuclides, decreasing their toxic and mutagenic effects on the organism.


ENTEROSGEL was created in the 80’s in Russia, at the request of the Ministry of Defence.
At that time Russian troops were concentrated in southern regions and Afghanistan, where hepatitis and intestinal infections were common and there was the danger of cholera outbreaks.
Medicine already had intestinal sorbents - activated charcoal type - to remove toxic substances from the body, but all had one big drawback - gastrointestinal mucosal damage when taken on long terms and with the toxic substances were eliminated and useful body substances (vitamins, trace elements etc).

Thus, research was directed at the elaboration of an intestinal cleanser sorbent with the following properties:

To remove only toxic substances from the body
It should be hydrophobic - do not bind to gastro-intestinal mucosa
To do not damage the membranes of epithelial mucosa
To retain as little time in the bowel lumen
To be chemically inert (it does not metabolize in the body)
Soon this medicine was created. The molecular structure is similar to a structured 3-D silicon sponge, retaining only the pore size specific toxic substances with a medium molecular weight.

Having been taken with water (100-150 ml), it forms a film with a role filter that mimics the natural film of mucus covering the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.
This medicine appeared in the 90s as a detoxication drug.

ENTEROSGEL is based on experimental and clinical studies conducted in medical military and civil institutions necessary for a first aid product in case of NBC contamination (nuclear, biological and chemical).
ENTEROSGEL removes radionuclides from the body, pathogenic flora and toxic substances and at the same time protects normal microbial flora and integrity of the membranes lining the gastrointestinal tract.

Tests, clinical trials and its use in current medical practice for 20 years has confirmed its effectiveness and lack of side effects.

ENTEROSGEL Indications:

1. Gastroenterology
2. Nephrology
3. Surgery
4. Oncology
5. Allergy - dermatovenerology
6. Obstetrics and Gynecology
7. Toxicology
8. Dentistry
9. Prevention
10. Metabolic Diseases
11. ENTEROSGEL for veterinary uses