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masaegu (Offline)
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03-17-2011, 02:22 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Again, I have a list of questions for today. I hope these aren't too much.

1. 豪快なコンボを決めて喜んでいたのも束の間、大量の熱 が溜まっている時に攻撃をもらい大ダメージ…なんて事 のないようにしましょう。
Just to be sure, does なんて事のないようにしましょう mean "let's make sure it's not going to happen"?

2. 画面左上にあるゲージがフォースクラッシュゲージです 。このゲージは超強力な技を出す為に必要になるゲージ です。フォースクラッシュゲージの増やし方はいくつか あります。
- 『攻撃を出す』 / 空振りしてもわずかですが増えます。
- 『攻撃を当てる』 / 最も増えやすい手段です。ダメージが大きいほど増える 量も多くなります。コンボで多くの技を繋げると、増え る量は後に出した技ほど飛躍的に上昇します。
The part 後に出した技ほど is incomprehensible to me. Does it simply mean that the more 技 are used, the more quickly the gauge rise? Or is it referring to a specific boost of quantity according to the 技 that was used?

There are also some words and phrases that look unclear to me in the manga I'm reading.

The combination of それだけ and 多く looks confusing to me. Can someone tell me what the phrase means?

4. ご存じのとおり彼女はまだデビュー間もないですし
The phrase まだデビュー間もない has been bugging me for a while. Does it mean that the person being referred to hasn't made her debut yet? Or does it mean she has just done it recently?

5. スキャンダルされるなら男の人とされてみたいですよ~
Does される mean "to be treated as" here?

Finally, what does 魅せつける mean in this context?
1. Precisely.

2. It is saying "the later the 技 are used, the higher they will raise the gauge."

3. "You will be burdened with more responsibility/pressure (because we will be practicing harder than ever.)"

4. She has just made her debut.

5. No. It is saying "If I had to be made an object of scandal, I would rather hope it was about a guy."

6. "to demonstarte something". However, it's a "half-coined" word. The dictionary word is 見せつける.