Thread: leave the area
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(#53 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
03-17-2011, 06:47 AM

It's not going to render Japan Uninhabitable, that's all over blown hype. The radiation from a reactor melt down, while dangerous for a local area is containable. Three Mile island had a complete meltdown and no one died and nobody had large rates of cancer. In fact, the other reactor at Three Mile Island is stilll active and has been since then.

Not to mention the fact reactor radiation is far different than Weapon radiation. Nukes have gamma rays and x-rays, both very deadly, even from short exposure. The Reactor has niether and never will, the uranium there just isn't pure enough for that type of reaction. More than likely they pave over the place, establish a perimiter and go from there.

Hell, the US tested several nukes out in the west dureing the 50's, people could see the mushroom clouds from Vegas and nobody there has three heads nor 50 foot tall spiders. People are over reacting to this.