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termogard (Offline)
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Post cooling down - 03-17-2011, 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Sorry guys, what is the current situation? Went to bed, woke up with no power in the house, so I had no TV or internet access..

Anyways, on NHK live, some people were saying that there are improvement, SDF is now spraying water at reactors to cool down the spent fuel cell. And if all goes well, high voltage line will be ran to attach a pump to circulate water to cool the core and the spent fuel cell

what is the radiation level like now? Is there still a risk?

Also, there are people saying something about a radioactive cloud reaching the west coast and causing a panic, what is that about?

They show nothing new on TV news. SDF (Japanese Army) still use helos to spray water down, trying to cool 3rd reactor and a pool with a spent nuclear fuel. Some sources gave an information that radiation at Fukushima Daiichi Plant is slightly decreased....
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