Originally Posted by globetrotter36
People have lost homes and families, I am not sure time will ever fix their suffering.
I was referring to infrastructure damage.Time + money will fix all of it.
Originally Posted by globetrotter36
As for your statement; 'Japan has economic resources to solve the damage', I would cast doubt on that assertion since the country is now accepting foreign aid.
Yeah, because it's always good to take donations and welcome foreigners who are willing to help. So what? How can you even argue that? Japan is a powerful economic nation, the consequences of the earthquake would have been a million times worse if it had happened somewhere else. I agree all countries should support Japan in its recovery, but not by giving money as I can hardly think of a country in a better economic condition than Japan's in at the moment. If you want to donate money, give it to those countries who truly are in need of money; if you want to help Japan, go there help clean up the mess. Money, they got plenty.