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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-17-2011, 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
So because Japan is an economic power they don't deserve the money as much as a third world nation run by dictators?

I am not seeing the correlation between "economically strong government" and "people freezing in the cold without food and water". They need help now. It's that simple. Foreign aid workers are on the ground digging people out, get people fed, finding bodies and getting them taken care of. THESE people don't fly there by magic. It takes money to get them food and equipment, get them on planes get them working.

You seem to have a lot more faith in the Japanese government than the people of Japan do right now.

Everyone is suspicious of the government until they need help, and now you and Ronin are saying "No, the government is strong. They can take care of the Japanese people." Well, which is it. Is the government capable of doing it on their own or not? The last 5 days show us, clearly not. The money put into the relief effort is not going to building harbors and bridges. It is going to try to save lives, get people out of danger, recover bodies, and clear paths so the healing and building can even start to begin.
Again... read what I said. I have no problem giving Japan what it lacks. But money is not one of those things

They might not be capable of providing the assistance.. but they are capable of funding those that CAN.

Seriously.. I'm sick of repeating this over and over.

You and others are more concerned with twisting my position into something it isn't then trying to demonize me because your "precious Japan" is in trouble. Well guess what... Japan is precious to me too. I'm just being a little bit more rational than you folks about the situation.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 03-17-2011 at 11:47 PM.
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