Originally Posted by bluejeanslady
the developement is exactly what i sayed a few days before ... no one feels responsible ... 20 miles is much too short ... 500 000 "saved" people sit there without food, drinking, help in a one way road ...
well, if you read this, you are in the area and you can go outside because of the radiation, so if you can LEAVE THE AREA as far as you can ... in direction osaka, tokio is not enough ... everybody is moving away ... our tv says, tomorrow on friday, lately saturday is it ending and it doesnt look good says the experts ... and my opinion, if there is no wonder happening it will be no happy end ... and i really hope we have no wordwide global problems, thats the next point ...
How about you LEAVE THIS FORUM and go as far as you can back to whatever nutjob forums you normally post on. You have absolutely no idea what it is like to be in Japan at the moment. You appear to be listening to some of the worst excesses of the western media and taking it as absolute truth. How about staying away from here until you learn better. You may be posting this crap out of genuine concern but believe it or not your fearmongering will not be of any help whatsoever and the Japanese will make their own decisions for their own safety. Your advice is worthless and best kept to yourself.