Originally Posted by MMM
In four days, US citizens (not government) gave 150 million to Haiti post earthquake.
In four days US citizens (not government) gave 35 million to Japan.
I think this is because people DO see Haiti as a more needy country, and over all it is. That doesn't mean that there isn't a lot of hurt and suffering in Japan, and that our help, whether it be blankets, workers, money to buy food, whatever doesn't help.
My argument is purely rational.
If that is the case then it might be a possibility that many Americans share that same rationale so I don't think I'm off base (@Ryozorian). In fact it seems you might be if we are going to use stats to give credibility to our rationale (which I don't believe in)
Also Haiti was just an example of a country that NEEDS financial assistance.
But come to think of it that's 35 million dollars that could have gone to a country that actually needed it.