Originally Posted by masaegu
3. "You will be burdened with more responsibility/pressure (because we will be practicing harder than ever.)"
Um, so does それだけ means the same as それだからこそ, given the context?
No. It is saying "If I had to be made an object of scandal, I would rather hope it was about a guy."
I get it now. I couldn't understand the line because I misinterpreted the word みたい.

Thank you for the clarification.
"to demonstarte something". However, it's a "half-coined" word. The dictionary word is 見せつける.
So I paid too much attention to the kanji and forgot about the kana reading next to it.

Thanks again for making it clear for me.
By the way, do you have any idea about the word シメ in this sentence?
是非、コンボのシメにカッコよくフォースクラッシュを ぶち込んでみて下さい。
I have the feeling that it comes from a verb, but I have no idea what it may be.