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(#7 (permalink))
mbla90210 (Offline)
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03-18-2011, 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Complete and utter bullshit. Of the same calibre as the 2012 end of the world crap. What is wrong with people like you that you would believe stuff like this? I guess I will never cease to be amazed at just how incredibly stupid and gullible people can be.
Let's turn back the clock and pretend that you were some Japanese authority, on March 9, I told you my speculation then you said "it's incredibly stupid, bullshit, crap, ..." Two days later, March 11, 9.0 earthquake struck. More and more dead bodies were found everyday. How would you feel? Would you say sorry? Would saying sorry be enough to be forgiven by a woman who lost her husband in the collapsed house, or a child whose parents were taken away by the tsunami?
My speculative prediction is for the areas on the Ring of Fire only. If some person was smart enough to figure it out and another person took it seriously then "Japan 311" could have been much less deadly with early warnings. Two-day early warning would have been incredibly valuable to save lives.
We should learn to live and live to learn. Let's not be ignorant to natural events that may tell us something important.

Last edited by mbla90210 : 03-18-2011 at 06:50 AM.