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Nyororin (Offline)
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03-18-2011, 07:28 AM

Okay, let us say that this is indeed totally accurate.

Would anyone have come up with Japan as the source?
I highly doubt it. You can do the math NOW because you know it happened, and you know the speeds, etc, to make a perfect little formula.

But *before* any of this happened... Why assume it was coming from Japan? What about a different earthquake somewhere else? Or even if you guessed Japan, there are a bunch of different earthquakes "due" in various parts of the country. Why assume it would be one in that specific spot?

These sorts of things are great when you`re looking at them *after* the event, but there are countless other reasons that it could happen, and countless other locations that it could have come from even IF it were a related event.

However, it has nothing to do with the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. It has to do with low oxygen levels for LOCAL fish. Those fish didn`t swim all the way from Japan in a panic. And if they inexplicably died because they sensed a potential earthquake all the way across the pacific from their home... Why didn`t all the OTHER fish die in other ports? Or in locations even closer? Seems like they`d be far more stressed than a school of sardines swimming around a California marina.

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