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(#360 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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03-18-2011, 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Yo, friends.
Could you help me with these sentences?
1 色んなを背負って生きてきて、その生き方にドラマがあるんですよ。
"There were several diary tasks, there was a drama in way of live." Is this close to correct?

2 それで、みんな何か一言残してくれるんです。 "Besides, I could be unfair if I forgot everybody". Is this close to correct?

3 女に暖めてもらったシーンは、ファンの人には色々あっ たみたいですし。
The fans watched the scene several times. Or they liked the scene ?
1. No, not really. 業(ごう) means "karma" here.

"(Someone) has lived carrying the burden of his karma, and there is a drama in his way of life."

2. Where do you get "unfair" and "forgot"?

"That's why everyone has left a word (for someone)."

3. You are way off with this one.

"The scene where (he) was warmed by a woman seems to have caused discussions among the fans."