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(#362 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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03-18-2011, 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
I won't post after my training. Just blind shots today.
Anyway, I arrived to your translation in question 2, but it did not make sense for me in context, so I tried an imbecile connotative sense.
Masaegu先生, sorry, but could you say me what's "to let a word to someone"?
And, since you are there, what is a school song [校歌]? Each school there has a music or its a musical gender?
Thank you very much and sorry for annoyance.
「それで、みんな何か一言残してくれるんです。」 is actually very difficult to translate without the context. If this sentence directly followed the sentence 「色んな業を背負って生きてきて、その生き方にドラマ があるんですよ。」, it would mean "That's why people (fans) has left a message (about his way of life)."

When I said "That's why everyone has left a word (for someone).", I meant the fans leaving (or sending) messages to the author.

校歌 is an original song that every Japanese school has and it is sung at many occasions, such as ceremonies, sporting events, etc.