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(#10 (permalink))
GoNative (Offline)
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03-18-2011, 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by mbla90210 View Post
Let's turn back the clock and pretend that you were some Japanese authority, on March 9, I told you my speculation then you said "it's incredibly stupid, bullshit, crap, ..." Two days later, March 11, 9.0 earthquake struck. More and more dead bodies were found everyday. How would you feel? Would you say sorry? Would saying sorry be enough to be forgiven by a woman who lost her husband in the collapsed house, or a child whose parents were taken away by the tsunami?
My speculative prediction is for the areas on the Ring of Fire only. If some person was smart enough to figure it out and another person took it seriously then "Japan 311" could have been much less deadly with early warnings. Two-day early warning would have been incredibly valuable to save lives.
We should learn to live and live to learn. Let's not be ignorant to natural events that may tell us something important.
Would I say sorry? Hell no. I'd feel fine about not listening to another nutter who has taken two disparate events to come up with some ridiculous conclusion (in hindsight). But knock yourself out. If you can predict the next big quake around the ring of fire go for it. Think of all the woman and children and parents who would praise your name for eternity!! And just a bit of advice if you actually want to learn then go to school, or university. You are not going to to be educated off ridiculous blogs or websites making the sorts of links you've decided to share here with us. Go learn what science is really about instead of believing in what couldn't even be labelled as psuedo-science. At best I'd label it as complete and utter bullshit for nutcases. And we are certainly seeing enough nutcases come out of the woodwork since the events here in Japan.