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(#651 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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03-18-2011, 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Point me out to the media I should be watching.

In Japan the focus remains on the loss of life, which is the main story, terrible as it is. But the dead are already dead, and you can't kill them over and over again to keep people tuned in. But the threat of a nuclear disaster, farfetched as it may be, that keeps people watching, especially if they think there is a chance they themselves may somehow be affected.

Even if there were a full, Chernobyl-style meltdown, Tokyo would not be substantially affected, nor would anyone outside Japan. Yet the news hype is so great that people in America are buying potassium iodide pills, which would only be necessary in the worst-case scenario and you were within 12 miles of the plant. If these idiots are dumb enough to start taking iodine undirected, they are likely to develop thyroid problems more serious than if they had been exposed to radiation.

Tens of thousands are dead, the world economy is adversely affected, yet this isn't enough to satisfy the vultures, I can imagine them actually praying for a greater disaster so they can bump up their ratings and perhaps earn another 10% advertising revenue.
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