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ryuurui (Offline)
Japanese calligrapher
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03-18-2011, 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
you are so right ronin.totally selfless. surely this is a real warning to the rest of the world about the dangers of nuclear energy.

why is food not getting through to so many. i see reporters in refuge centres saying that food is running out yet the reporters get there.

surely there should be ways todistribute urgent items especially water.
there are 2200 refugee centers on 500km radius area, and there are 3ook of them. that is why help is slow. lack of fule doesnt help either.

As to the workers at the plant. As much as I appreciate what they are doing I must say that they would not have had to do it if it was not for retarded superiors, TEPCO and other ^$%&$%£ that, as usual, messed up big time. On the other hand, when i was leaving Chiba on Tuesday there were people in my company ging to work desipite the approaching cloud (it was when winds have shifted south for 15h or so). For me, its a retarded behaviour and has much to to with mindless dedication to duty.
In case of the plant workers it's different. Those guys are heroes (yet at the same time victims of stupidity and recklessness of other people). Sadly, i doubt any lesson will be learned, and this disaster will only shorten upcoming economical fall of Japan.

Last edited by ryuurui : 03-18-2011 at 11:12 AM.
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