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03-19-2011, 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by rtm001 View Post
what about supplies? Are the stores even open in the last few days? I've heard that banks are running out of that true? Not to sound pessimestic, but i'd like an insiders point of view on the situtation there. This has profound effects on the world.
Grocery stores in the directly affected areas are having difficulties in having supplies delivered due to road damage. But that`s like 5~10% of Japan...
But even so the situation is improving.

Where businesses were swept away, obviously they`re not open... But not everything even in the tsunami hit areas was destroyed - higher ground was not covered in water, so stores still exist there.

Banks are not running out of money. One bank chain - Mizuho - had some sort of damage to their electronic system, so ATMs are not working.

Tokyo has no *real* shortages other gasoline, and that is mainly because the large tanks to store shipments of it are damaged - not because they can`t get any.

The western media has snapped up some really extreme stories of shortages in Tokyo - but they are currently selling between 2 and 3 times the regular amount. People are just buying like crazy and hoarding.

90~95% of Japan is not damaged. In the majority of the country things are pretty much completely normal.

So, no, Japan is not completely falling apart at the seams with people starving in the streets.

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