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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-19-2011, 02:40 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
They are not victims of stupidity at all. They are heroes in the true sense. People who are prepared to put themselves in potentially life threatening situations to save the lives of others. With full knowledge of the risks they have taken on the responsibility to avert a bigger disaster than has already happened. Nothing can be said that could lessen the sacrifice they are making and it would be inappropriate to suggest otherwise.

Please explain exactly how you believe TEPCO have messed up big time. I personally believe they have done well thus far considering the circumstances. This was a totally unprecendented event. The company in charge I think has little if anything to do with the current situation. All systems worked as they were supposed to except for an unprecented earthquake and tsunami which messed things up big time. I don't think blame can be layed purely on the company and I certainly don't think it will. Thankfully Japan doesn't play the blame games that happen so often in the west.
It might be that they are both. Heroes AND victims of stupidity.

Wikileaks revealed a cable in which the Americans warned the Japanese that there were serious concerns about the ability of the Fukushima plant to survive the a serious quake. This cable has come to light since this disaster.

(On another point.. remember all the people complaining about Wikileaks and the mundane information it released? turns out some of it might not be so mundane after all. The original uprising in Tunisia is said to be caused partly by Wikileaks revelations... but anyway I digress.)

I know nothing of this TEPCO company... but if the concerns warranted by the USA were valid.. then some people have a lot of explaining to do.
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