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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-19-2011, 02:50 AM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
So I suppose we just rob someone for the things they need and send it to them?

Most of the "things" Japan need has a monetary value, food, blankets, medication... tell me one thing that is not associated with a monetary value.
The only new point you've made that I haven't already countered.

And it's a good point. But I would say that rationally that works in the other direction. (i.e. Let Japan PAY for the stuff it needs.)

But if I have a spare blanket, it would be pretty sh*tty to try and sell it to Japan when it's a SPARE blanket.

It's the same with expertise. If I have a bunch of specialists to spare which could be put to far better use somewhere else, then it would be pretty sh*tty to get Japan to pay their salary.
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