Originally Posted by GoNative
No they are doing it because they probably watch crap like Fox News. Even though the vast bulk of them probably couldn't even find Japan on a map (let alone the state they live in) it's hardly surprising they are carrying on with such stupidity. Most of us around the world really don't expect Americans to ever show much common sense so don't worry we actually expected such stupidity 
No. Their doing it because the US has almost twice the number of nuclear reactors than Japan has. And there are currently 32 GE Mark 1 boiling-water reactors located in the US.
Thats your view and your entitiled to it. Despite your comment about Fox News. Here in the US your description of a 'vast bulk' of viewers is your own preconcieved fantasy.
April 09- April 2010 in the 25-54 demo:
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Glenn Beck's Ratings Collapse
Fox News has suffered a downward slump across the board with most of it's major 'news entertainment' shows including Glenn Beck down by almost 30%, .
Fox News' Bill O’Reilly– down 3% Fox News' Sean Hannity – down 17%
Fox News' Greta Van Sustren – down 13%