Originally Posted by GoNative
Whatever, I'm totally over worrying about what other countries and their people think anymore. More than ever now I wish I wasn't moving back to Australia! But we've already bought a house there and of course it was planned well before any of this crap happened. I just don't feel right about leaving during this time though 
if you are in the south ? you must not leave .. its only the north and tokio if wind change on monday ... 500 km is the zone .. look n-tv ... i think you are not well informed there in japan ... here people are very critically of all, so we get more information over all themes, we germans are famous that we are very exact persons, we want to know everything concrete and complete .. otherwise you can inform yourself in internet over thernobyl for example .. its 25 years gone and today there is a 2 years old child terrible ill for example, horrible and monsterious to see and very sad .. if you see this pictures of the people you will have no more question ... and you will see it exactly real ... but i hope you have strong nerves before you look ... its always the same, its your decison if you want to know the truth or if you donnot want and hold on your illusions ... for me i say, always the hole truth and reality ...