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(#688 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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03-19-2011, 06:05 AM

Originally Posted by termogard View Post
In 1942 Soviet gained all possible sources to fight Nazis on Eastern front. They had no time and scientists to build reactors.
The first block of Chernobyl Nuclear Power station was built in 1977.


Check you historical sources better before posting

They are nuclear reactors, working upon same physical principles, not apples or oranges.

The mentioned meltdown also can occur inside a containment system. And molten nuclear fuel may produce various amounts of radioactive vapor.

Chernobyl was not built in 1942, the design of the reactor dates to 1942, The biggest factors differentiating Chernobyl and Fukushima are the running capacity at failure, and the fact that Chernobyl didn't have a containment system. These two very simple facts make a world of difference between the two, don't they?

Chernobyl cannot be used in comparison to Fukushima because they are unalike in every aspect, the only way in which they are similar is that they are nuclear reactors.

As of today, radiation levels are still below that considered "dangerous", and have shown on increase over the past couple of days.
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