Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
I also know nothing about it.
But what I am hearing in the Western media is that while the Japanese are saying things like only a 12 km radius or something is affected, the US is not letting it's Navy ships or military personel within a 50 km radius.
So there does seem to be an inconsistency with what the Japanese are saying and what other countries like the USA and Russia are saying.
Also the French are accusing the Japanese government of being really uninformative and either lacking direction or being too secretive.
us force asked who is the responsable person in fikushima for this, to solve the problems together and get no answer, no one feels responsable .. us says 80 km is the distance, japanese says 20 km is enough ... everybody in the world knows radiation is not harmless and very very dangerous (its not a dentist visit) and japanese tells sth about close windows and doors and put sth on your head and stay inside, silly because radiation goes through walls .. so a lot of bullshit that people be quiet und believe furthermore ... try to help somebody who will not hear the truth ... it is unimpossible ... the question is, why go every foreigner in the south and outside ... and thanks good a lot of japanese people do the same ... good decision of course .. the chance that nothing will happen is very small, because there are 4-6 problems and not only one .. this is reason enough .. and if i see this 3-4 clown there surching completely confused in their papers i really know, they will solve no problem, they are confused ... we heard on tv they were not allowed to run away by the politicans ... was this an idea ? to run away ... this is a question ...
Originally Posted by bluejeanslady
us force asked who is the responsable person in fikushima for this, to solve the problems together and get no answer, no one feels responsable .. us says 80 km is the distance, japanese says 20 km is enough ... everybody in the world knows radiation is not harmless and very very dangerous (its not a dentist visit) and japanese tells sth about close windows and doors and put sth on your head and stay inside, silly because radiation goes through walls .. so a lot of bullshit that people be quiet und believe furthermore ... try to help somebody who will not hear the truth ... it is unimpossible ... the question is, why go every foreigner in the south and outside ... and thanks good a lot of japanese people do the same ... good decision of course .. the chance that nothing will happen is very small, because there are 4-6 problems and not only one .. this is reason enough .. and if i see this 3-4 clown there surching completely confused in their papers i really know, they will solve no problem, they are confused ... we heard on tv they were not allowed to run away by the politicans ... was this an idea ? to run away ... this is a question ... 
sorry, i forgot to tell: this 3 completely confused clowns donnot solve any problem - they are the problem

... hope sb other do this job very quickly now and save all our lives worldwide ... wake up ...
Originally Posted by eezy1
what are you gonna say on Monday when japan is still alive and kicking?
nobody can say what will happen .. news on n-tv: at moment they have some results with reactor 3 but the dangerous is not banned .. food of the region is rediated ... a person is radiated by water ... people shall take jod drugs in the 20 km area ...
well, nobody can decide for you .. but if there is a dangerous situation its always better to go in distance .. the szenari that north japan including tokio is empty is horrible but possible ... we all hope that this worst case will not happen .. but wind will change on monday in direction tokio and the results in fukushima are not good at moment and specialists worldwide smile about the things they do there ... for this .. be happy for the time you have now to go in distance ... its always possible to return if nothing happen .. but if it happen it saves your health and your life .. thats an fact ... think, they have to solve 4-6 problems, not only one .. and they are not good in their job, if they would be this, this situation would not be .. the both other atom parcs donnot have such problems, they are o.k. ... yesterday we heard, it was missmanagement in the atomic parc ... and the same persons shall be able to solve this problems .. i donnot believe, really ...
Originally Posted by eezy1
what are you gonna say on Monday when japan is still alive and kicking?
it would be great, but this is complete unrealistic ... hope wind will not take it to tokio ... everybody worldwide hope that a wonder will happen at moment ... but it doesnt look very good .. they cannot really solve the problem without electricity and then is the question if they can stop anything what is going on there at moment .. it is a prozess ... and normally you cant stop this ... one week, i fear its too late ... we all hope the best, but every science says this way is unrealistic ... firemen with water is the last try, if the electric would function the chance is small, but this is a chance ... if not its over ...
Originally Posted by bluejeanslady
it would be great, but this is complete unrealistic ... hope wind will not take it to tokio ... everybody worldwide hope that a wonder will happen at moment ... but it doesnt look very good .. they cannot really solve the problem without electricity and then is the question if they can stop anything what is going on there at moment .. it is a prozess ... and normally you cant stop this ... one week, i fear its too late ... we all hope the best, but every science says this way is unrealistic ... firemen with water is the last try, if the electric would function the chance is small, but this is a chance ... if not its over ...
i just hear, they have electricity in reactor 2 but it is still the question how far the prozess was going on inside ... and the specialist all say, at saturday it must be solved, otherwise it is to late ...
just a specialist say in tv, if they will not be able to make all systems working tomorrow on saturday-sunday, its lost and super gau ... the prozess is working over one week now ... nobody can look inside .. but it is going on ...
Originally Posted by bluejeanslady
i just hear, they have electricity in reactor 2 but it is still the question how far the prozess was going on inside ... and the specialist all say, at saturday it must be solved, otherwise it is to late ...
correct, it is planed for today for reactor 1 +2 ... not working yet ...
info für deutsche: am flughafen osaka kriegen deutsche bisher noch einigermaßen bezahlbare tickets von der deutschen botschaft, die stehen da in orangen westen unübersehebar .. ein junger mann hat es so raus geschafft ...
ach so, euch deutschen muß man ja nicht erst sagen, das ihr da ja sofort abhaut, zumindest in den süden mindestens osaka ... ich drücke euch allen die daumen ... der wind dreht ab sonntag-montag auf tokio .. im moment ist radioaktivität lt. den meßergebnissen der amis in der 30 km no-go-zone sehr ernst, aber außerhalb noch o.k. ... dennoch, die lage ist lt. aussage der amis sehr ernst ... und die haben ja auch erfahrung mit ihren störfällen ... von daher, die sagen auch es ist ernst ...
und meine anmerkung, lt. tv info sollen die drei clowns, die da vor der laufenden kamera wie wild und konfus in den papieren wühlen, diese mißstände in dem akw selber durch mißmanagement und wartungsmängeln verursacht haben, und genau die sollen das problem nun lösen .. da lachen ja die hühner .. wer glaubt denn das bitte ?! ... naja, auf jeden fall doch kein deutscher ...