I can`t help you with getting Japanese baby milk in your own country - but I can tell you the brands and their quality. They are all high in quality, and completely safe, but some brands are a bit more nutritious/easier to digest than others. It is more normal in Japan for a mother to breastfeed and only give her baby milk when she is unable to be there.
Also, the type of milk you want depends on the age of the baby. Japan has one type of milk for 0 to 9 months, and then another for 9 months to 3 years. My son will be 3 this year, and he still drinks the 2nd stage milk.
Ranked in order of quality - infant milks (0 to 9 months);
Icreo Balance Milk - Best for babies with stomach problems, or who refuse to drink milk other than breastmilk. This is what hospitals usually use. VERY high quality, but also very expensive. We used this for the first months with my son.
Price is about 3500 yen for a big can. (1kg)
The three main ones:
Morinaga Hagukumi - A bit higher in price than the other 2 regular quality ones, but I don`t think the quality differs much. Price of 2800/can
Meiji Hohoemi - Average price, good quality, normal milk. 2500/can
Beanstalk Sukoyaka - Average price, good quality, normal milk. 2500/can
And then at the very bottom there is:
Wakodo Haihai - while I`m sure it`s safe, it is lower in nutritional quality and has been known to irritate some baby`s stomachs... It is also very cheap. 1980/can
Then the milk for older children - 9 months to 3 years.
Of course,
Icreo Follow Momo is at the top in quality, just like with infant milk. But also top with price too. 2800/can
Meiji Step - Average in price, but the most nutritious of the big 3. We use this. It has so many more vitamins and calories than the other ones. But if your child eats a lot of normal foods, they probably don`t need the extras.
Beanstalk Tsuyoiko - Average in price and quality. 1680/can
Morigana Chirumiru - Average price, quality, etc. 1680/can
And at the bottom, of course,
Wakodo Gungun - safe, but cheap and low in nutrients. Better than just normal cow milk, of course, but not nearly as good as the others.
I hope this helped. There are also special milks for babies with allergies, etc. If you need info on them, please let me know.