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(#49 (permalink))
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siokan (Offline)
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Location: solar system,2ch
03-19-2011, 12:09 PM

Because the clarification is troublesome, it is this and the end.
Exception when you enter information that is more excellent than Prof. Hayano.
(University of Tokyo, physics chairman)

Plants and buildings with which the outside is covered are built breakable.
Especially, the upper part breaks first, and becomes a gun barrel that diffusion of radioactivity.
It is partially made from wooden.
The important one is a nuclear reactor and Containment building in this lower side of the inside.
The photograph is the third reactor and the fourth reactor.
The fuel bundle is pulled out from the nuclear reactor nine months ago, and there is a fuel in the cooling pool.

Easy comparison of Chernobyl and Fukushima-3 Mile.
Chernobyl 64km point 4000m sV/h 180km point 900m sV/h
Fukushima-3 Mile 30km+point 1m sV/h
400 times radiation it when Chernobyl is compared with Hiroshima(Atomic bomb).

Chernobyl drives recklessly while doing nuclear fission, and explodes.
Fukushima-3 Mile reacts the chemistry by the nuclear fission suspension and water, becomes hydrogen, and explodes.

There was no "Containment building" that prevented the radioactive substance in Chernobyl.

Please permit poor English. orz
Cryptanalysis is necessary for you.
set a goal:English at the same level as Johan Cruyff
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