Originally Posted by godwine
But what makes you think that the Japanese government is not already paying for some of the relief effort????? As someone else pointed out, the country is already in debt, and they also have to plan for the money needed for any rebuilt effort after. Just like in Canada, houses destroyed by natural disasters are not covered by insurance. The government absorb the cost to resituate affected people. All that needs money. They will need to dig deeper into their pocket when the rescue effort is done, nobody will be teeing on to help then.
We our help now will releif some of the preside on the government economically, and that may have an impliction on how much the country can afford on. The rebuild. We are not tLking about a few houses, but an entire city and an entire power plant.......
I've already covered that.
I'm sure the Japanese government has their own relief effort mobilized. The Japanese are in debt but they aren't bankrupt. They will just have to borrow more to pay for it.
As far as I'm concerned, Japanese debt and the disaster are two different issues. If the disaster DIDN'T happen Japan would still be in debt. Now it will just be in a little bit more debt.
But like I said.. it has the economy to pay for it.