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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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again sorta not - 03-19-2011, 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
It's not a conspiracy. I just feel the fact that the French were the first to overreact is a reflection of their government currently not of the real situation in Japan. The fact that other countries feel compelled to follow suit to stay in the good books with their own electorates just makes sense. If you or anyone else can show proof that dangerous levels of radiation have been experienced beyond the 30km exclusion zone please show me. If you can't do you think it's a bit of an overreaction to evacuate people from Tokyo which is a hell of a lot further away? If as the Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK advises that there is virtually no risk to people in Tokyo even in a worse case scenario then why is it do you think the French have made the decisions they have? They don't appear to be based on science or the actual events that have taken place thus far. I think it's politically motivated. What else is it if not that?
Dude, calm down and chill.
Actually the Chinese were the first country to evacuate it's citizens.

China evacuates citizens from Japan quake areas
BEIJING, March 15 | Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:15pm EDT
(Reuters) -
China began evacuating its citizens Tuesday from areas worst affected by Japan's earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, making it the first foreign government to pull its people from the country.
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