03-20-2011, 03:24 AM
Bluejeanslady; Japan has knowledge concerning radiation and it's after effects and how much of wich types to be concerned about. They took two actual nuke hits after all, and re built those cities right where they were hit.
I'm not saying there isn't concern about the radiation levels around the plant itself but I am saying your over reacting. A Nuclear power plant is not a nuclear bomb, it doesn't have that kind of energy available. Hell, they told us that around the disaster in Russia you would have a dead zone for 20,000 years...but life goes on there like allways, trees, wild life what have ya..sure they are "radioactive" but they are alive and in some cases thriveing. You can even get a guided tour of the plant and surrounding town for 150 dollars and a waver form.
The US media is constanting harping about "first radiation to hit California and blah blah blah" Even though it's a Billionth the size needed to even be considered dangerous, it's overblown hype that will cause more harm than good..